Humanity Lives, but only So...
" Dil se Hai, Logon Kii Pehchaan,Logon Kii Zamaane Se Nahii,
Dil Se Hai, Dil Ka Vaasta, Insan Ki Insan Se Na Sahii.
Insaniyat Zinda Hai tho Aaaj, Dil Kii waadiyon Mein Kahiin -
Ek Gumnaam Nazraana, Ek bhooli huvii Nazm..."
The identity of people is forged from the heart,Not So that thiers-
is From the times that they live in.
The Relation of the heart is with other hearts,
It may not be so that he feels always-
the closeness of bondage , with his fellow beings
If today humanity still lives, It is among the valleys of the heart,
But as a lost sight, As a beautiful song that has been long forgotten....
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